Tuesday 23 February 2016

I'm back!

After having a baby and moving - I'm back! Sorry it's been so long! I've started a new project: making artworks using vintage stamps. Being unable to make for a while has been tough and I needed a starting point. I've done stamp portraits before as gifts, so this seemed like a good place to begin! The first have been funny portraits which are beginning to develop into a more conceptual series using a large amount of American stamps I have. The aim of the portraits is just to be fun, perhaps random little artworks people may want to buy. The aim of the conceptual works is to open a dialogue and make people think about wider world issues. Not to force an opinion per say, but to provoke thought about things that seem so big and far away that it's sometimes easier to ignore them altogether than think about them or have a view.

Here's my most recent work:

"Taking Liberties? (No smoke without fire)"

And here are some of the stamp portraits I've been making:

"Vegetable Patch"


"Whatever you do, don't move! (Tropicana)"

"Mr Pineapple"

"Catwoman circa 1930"

Sunday 2 March 2014

Finished the 3rd drawing!

Here is the finished 3rd drawing of a series I've been working on...

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Art from a box!

This week I have been making a little sculpture for a submission to an exhibition that is all about art and boxes! Perfect for me really! I decided to have a go at making a converse trainer from a converse shoe box! It's been fun, that's for sure, the beauty of the converse shoe box is that they have the sole of the converse trainer drawn on the base of the box, which I have used to create the sole of my cardboard converse shoe! Here are some informal shots of it...

Yes it is made entirely from cardboard - even the laces (they were quite tricky to make!!) 

Monday 10 February 2014

Draw draw and more draw!

Recently I have been busy with doing some art workshops in a couple of schools and drawing! Here are another 2 drawings I've been working on for a comptetition. I'm not sure whether I'm going to enter all 3 (including the one in my last post). Here is another finished one, and one I started today!

It's not easy to photograph drawings so forgive the yellowness! My scanner isn't quite big enough for them so photographing is all that's availble for the time being, until I sort an alternative! 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Drawing mad

I'm really getting into drawing at the mo! Here is a drawing I've been doing the last couple of days for a competition:

'Lunch' 2014, Pencil on watercolour paper

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Competition entry

Over the last week I have been working on a piece for a competition entry! It is a series of 4 drawings that all are part of the same scenario. I've really enjoyed doing this, it's been a nice alternative to my other project, which is currently on hold until I buy some more materials!! 

Here are the drawings together as a series and individually:

Sunday 5 January 2014

Christmas break = sketching time!

 Over Christmas I have been away visiting family, so the project has taken a small pause! In the meantime I have taken the opportunity to practise my drawing and sketching skills...mainly of people (some at Christmas there seems to be an abundance of people sitting down for long periods of time!). Here are a few of them....