Tuesday 23 February 2016

I'm back!

After having a baby and moving - I'm back! Sorry it's been so long! I've started a new project: making artworks using vintage stamps. Being unable to make for a while has been tough and I needed a starting point. I've done stamp portraits before as gifts, so this seemed like a good place to begin! The first have been funny portraits which are beginning to develop into a more conceptual series using a large amount of American stamps I have. The aim of the portraits is just to be fun, perhaps random little artworks people may want to buy. The aim of the conceptual works is to open a dialogue and make people think about wider world issues. Not to force an opinion per say, but to provoke thought about things that seem so big and far away that it's sometimes easier to ignore them altogether than think about them or have a view.

Here's my most recent work:

"Taking Liberties? (No smoke without fire)"

And here are some of the stamp portraits I've been making:

"Vegetable Patch"


"Whatever you do, don't move! (Tropicana)"

"Mr Pineapple"

"Catwoman circa 1930"