Monday 7 October 2013

Some of my older work

Here is a snippet of some of my past work, more of which can also be seen at

Watching TV , 2007
Paper, Cardboard, Wire, Masking Tape, Acetate and Glue

Bjorken Bathroom Cabinet Flying Backpack, 2008
Paper, Cardboard, Clothes Hook and Glue

Bjorken Bathroom Cabinet Flying Backpack (inside the cabinet detail), 2008
Paper and Glue

 Climbing Plant, 2008
Paper and Glue

Climbing Plant (detail), 2008
Paper and Glue

Generator, 2008
Cardboard, Paper, Real Potted Plant, Glue and Wire (in the plant leaves only)

Generator (detail), 2008

 Easy Bake Oven Dolls House (Cooks With Two Ordinary Lightbulbs), 2009
Part of a commission where participating artists were asked to create the toy they always wanted, but never got, for Christmas. This was a hybrid of two!

Detail of commissioned project by Tether. An installation entitled: In a City Not too Far Away... , 2010
I created a superhero's lair, the superhero was named 'Waspman' as the gallery was called The Wasp Room, Wasps also make paper, which worked with the materials I was working with.
This is the detail of Waspman's wings: Acetate, Foil Card, Recycled Cardboard and Brown Paper, and Glue

More detail of the installation: In a City Not Too Far Away... 2010

And more of In a City Not Too Far Away...

So there is a snippet of some of my older work, under my maiden name Naomi Terry!

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